Water heaters
For some households, storage tank water heaters are more appropriate than tankless systems. Tank-type water heater systems are very similar to a tankless system, except that they store a reservoir of heated water and intermittently turns on to maintain an internal temperature of typically 110-140 degrees Fahrenheit. Tank-type water heater systems have been the industry standard for decades, and with good reason. While the amount of hot water available is not the unlimited amount provided by a tankless system, smaller households that have a lower daily hot water demand would do well with a tank-type system. In households with a high water demand, a single tankless system may not be enough to provide hot water to multiple sources, like taking a shower while the dishwater is operating. Typically, tank-type water systems use more energy than tankless systems, but with innovations in insulation and energy conservation, this difference is dissipating. If energy conservation is your main reason for wanting to purchase a tankless system over a tank-type system, please go to the US Department of Energy to learn of other ways to reduce your energy while still owning a tank-type water system.